Minimum: No Set Age. Admittance based on skill level of the sailor, at the discretion of the Racing Advisor. Historically as young as 9-10 as a Doubles Partner and 10-11 in Singles.
Maximum: Racers must be turning 16 years old or less in the year of racing.


Racers must be one of the following to qualify for Racing:
• RYC member
• A member of the immediate family of that with a Family Membership
• A non-member that has paid for a “Racing Membership”

FEES (click here to purchase a Racing Permit)

• RYC Members: Racing fees Included in membership (Includes immediate family members)
• Junior Seasonal Racing Permit: $35 (for non-members)
NOTE: All Fees must be paid BEFORE RACING
PAYMENT: Monday-Friday at RYC Office, on RYC Website or with Cash on Race Day at Skipper’s Meeting.


While Racers are welcome to use their own private Lasers, there are also 6 RYC Lasers available to use on First Come/First Serve basis. However, requests for boats must be submitted within a specific window in the days leading up to each Race Day:
Club Boat Request Window

Juniors – Submit boat requests between 7am Wednesday and 4pm Friday (Races on Saturday)

Upon closure of requests, the Racing Advisor will assign club boats under the following hierarchy:
1. RYC members (taking lessons) & RYC Staff
2. RYC members (under family membership but not taking lessons)
3. Racers with a Junior Racing Permit (non-members)
Note: Final decision to grant Club Boats is at the discretion of the RYC Racing Advisor.

To Request a Boat: Contact RYC Racing Advisor – text 226-627-9553 or RYCracingadvisor@gmail.com

• Club Boats are property of RYC and are essential to teach RYC sailing classes.
• The Racer has the responsibility to avoid any risk of damage to the boats.
• The Racer must avoid collisions with other boats, regardless of Racing Rules infractions.
• The Racer may be held accountable for damage to the rented boat. Please Be Careful!


Selecting a Doubles Partner is generally up to the Racers to sort out themselves. However, if any Racer would like help to find a Racing Partner, please do not hesitate to ask the RYC Racing Advisor for help.
Both members of a Doubles Team must adhere to Age, Membership Status & Fees requirements above.


Basic Racing Rules
Note: Races to be raced in general accordance with World Sailing Racing Rules 2021-2024


Refer to Official RYC Calendar for Racing Dates.


Contact RYCracingadvisor@gmail.com or Call/Text 226-627-9553